When you join us on Sunday you can expect a strong and challenging message coupled with balanced biblical worship. You'll be welcomed into a friendly environment by people who are excited to see you. Our greeters will be able to point you in the right direction and answer any questions you might have.

Some of the topics we cover on Sundays will be serious, sometimes even heavy. We do not believe in shying away from social, cultural or political issues. In other words, we will teach the truth in love as we point people to Jesus. We believe God's Word has every answer to the problems we face. We share the hope found in Christ and the eternal joy that comes in knowing Him in a personal relationship. Come prepared to learn from biblically based preaching, with a little bit of Pastor Jason's sense of humor thrown in the mix.

When you visit, don’t forget to stop by the church foyer to introduce yourself to our pastoral team. We’d love to meet you and your family and answer any questions you may have.

SUNDAY - 9:00 AM // 10:00 AM // 6:00 PM

We have a well-maintained nursery (newborns through age 2) available for all Sunday services.

On Sundays we begin at 9:00 AM with Sunday School for all ages. We offer specialized classes for children, youth, and adults of all ages, which are developed to meet the needs and interests of each particular age group.

At 10:00 AM we have our main worship service in the sanctuary. This service includes congregational singing, special music by the choir and various musicians, and the preaching of God's Word. We provide Children's Church for kids 3 years old through the 6th grade. Nursery facilities for newborns through age 2 are provided in the same building as the main worship service.

Our evening service at 6:00 PM follows a similar format as the morning service. Though the format of the morning and evening services are similar, no two services are “repeats”.

WEDNESDAY - 10:30 AM // 6:45 PM

Each Wednesday morning at 10:30 AM we have a Bible Study and Prayer Meeting in the Church Fellowship Hall. Each Wednesday, during the school year, children (age 3 through 6th grade) have AWANA activities beginning at 6:45 PM in the Kids Building. Also, at 6:45 PM, the teens meet together in the youth group for a  time of activity, worship, teaching and fellowship.